
Thursday, 5 July 2018

how does it feel being a solider

How does it feel being a solider ? If I was a solider I would be
scared because you might get killed by other people that  you
are fighting. And it will be hard for you because your family will
miss you so much. So that is why
It is so hard to be a solider.

Why should you be a solider ? So you can help people to fight
the other country. It like when you are a Australian and USA
wanted a fight so then you can fight for the Australian people.

Why is it bad to be a solider ? because it is hard to leave
Your  family or your kids. If you want to be a solider the
you can so you can be the man or the family or the lady
or the family and your kids will be happy or sad to see you go.

Why is it good to be a solider? Because to help your country
to survive and help your people that is part of your country.
And it is good because so yous can win the war for your
family so that is it.

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